My heart is to connect with and encourage pastors and leaders… it’s a passion that I count as a privilege…

Pastor Mark Ryan

Pastor Mark Ryan

Insights… practical systems… discussion and encouragement

The Pastor’s Soul Care came from a deep desire to cheer along and help those who were leading in any season but particularly in this current season. Many pastors and leaders have contacted me over the last year to talk through the journey they are facing. Whilst what we have written is not the last word on this important subject – it is a timely word. I have always wanted to do so much more than a book however… that why is going to be an ongoing resource for church leaders. The web site will be regularly updated with downloads and podcasts to resource your ongoing journey. The resources that we sell on this site will always also have a free download or ongoing resource to help make your ministry richer. So, check back regularly for what is going on! Please message me through the contact form for feedback and any ways we can help resource you further…